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The project Coach 4 ME is dedicated to teachers/educators to help them gain new skills and competences in the field of using coaching methods in their daily work. Skills such as expertise and didactic competence, are already addressed by formal teacher/trainer education, but on the other hand skills as personal and interpersonal competences, the ability to empower learners and to deal with heterogeneous groups or motivation are not so easily achieved by the traditional training.

Main objectives: 
- to help teachers/educators to  improve their classroom performance and their learners’ results 
- to provide ways for constant professional development for the teachers
- to enhance  competences and skills of teachers to deal with challenges such as lack of motivation, intercultural, intergenerational aspects, diversity
- to adapt the  expertise and experience of coaches who work in the business sector for the needs of teachers
- to promote usage of coaching models among the teachers in their daily work
- to exchange good practices on coaching on the European level
In order to achieve the set goals of the project, Partners will involve silent partners from the business world. In this way the teachers/educators taking part in the project will have an opportunity to get to know the coaching models which are used in their countries and which work well for business and can be adapted to the educational needs of this project. Consequently they will choose the best practice examples to be presented during the meetings and then will get acquainted with the other partners’ best practice examples, adapt them to their realities and give the feedback of the results. Their suggestions, comments and solutions will be used in the guide which will be prepared at the end of the project.

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